The Guild Inn Estate & Scarborough Bluffs Maternity Shoot | Laura and Giovanni

I was more than excited to shoot Laura and Giovanni's maternity shoot at The Guild Inn Estate. It was my first time there, and I must say, they came out exactly how I envisioned. We also shot at the Scarborough Bluffs, another breathtaking location. It's hard to believe that these two locations exist in Scarborough Ontario of all places. I shot their wedding back in 2016 (CLICK HERE to see their wedding) and we got EPIC images, so the pressure was on to produce the same level or epicness or to exceed it. I think we exceeded it. What do you think?

The Guild Inn Estate -

High Park, Toronto Ontario - Aidan and Tal Engagement Shoot

The weather in Toronto is funny, it's in the high 20's one day then single digits the next. Thankfully the weather cooperated for our engagement shoot. The love these two share is truly amazing. One thing I noticed off the bat, is that Aidan and Tal are dedicated and supportive to each other in their careers and goals. Not to mention the hospitality they showed my family and I at their home, I can only imagine the hospitality they'll show their guests at the wedding. Aidan and Tal chose High Park in Toronto Ontario for their backdrop to their engagement photos. We had a lot of fun, lots of jokes and of course, awesome images. 

Hope you enjoy the images, if you're recently engaged, and interested in working with me, fill out my CONTACT FORM and let's chat, I'd love to hear more about you and your special day.


Albion Falls, Hamilton Ontario - Ralph and Clarice Engagement Shoot

I never get sick of visiting or shooting at Albion Falls, in Hamilton Ontario. One of the most popular falls in Hamilton aka The Waterfall Capital of the World. It had snowed the day before, and then warmed up for our shoot, so all the snow melted resulting in a heavy flow of water from the falls. I met Ralph in Punta Cana DR while I was shooting a wedding that he was a guest at, and I immediately saw his loud personality and class clown behaviour and thought "uh oh, I got some competition". Clarice on the other hand is quiet, soft, kind and very patient lol. The whole shoot was non stop jokes, I wanted to capture their true expressions and emotions in front of these breath taking waterfalls. 

Ok enough of me babbling, check out the collection, leave some feedback and comments, and share.  

Here's also a link to the -> BEHIND THE SCENES VIDEO 

Enjoy! Thanks again. Ciao